Goa Antibiotics and Pharmaceuticals Limited (GAPL)

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Goa Antibiotics and Pharmaceuticals Limited (GAPL)

Near Tuem Industrial Estate, Tuem
Pernem - 403 512
Telephone: +91 - 832 - 2201416, 2201417, 2201256
Facsimile/Fax: +91 - 832 - 2201278
E-Mail: info@gaplgoa.com
Website: www.gaplgoa.com
Central Public Sector Pharma Company, is a subsidiary of HLL Lifecare Limited under the administrative control of Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India. Manufactures Life Saving Drugs - Dry Powder Injectables, Tablets, Capsules and Liquid Orals etc. Ayurvedic & Allopathic medcines.